5 Interesting Trends in Laptop Design in 2022

As technology has advanced, laptop design has changed dramatically. From the bulky, heavy laptops of the early 2000s to the sleek, ultrathin models of today, there have been some significant changes in how laptops are …

Laptop Design

As technology has advanced, laptop design has changed dramatically. From the bulky, heavy laptops of the early 2000s to the sleek, ultrathin models of today, there have been some significant changes in how laptops are made and what they look like.

Why does this matter? Because if you are looking to purchase a laptop in the next few months, you may inadvertently pay for design features that have a purpose but that you have no use for. For example, a gaming laptop will have extra cooling options – great for gaming, but that additional cost is not great if you just want a basic computer! 

So, in this article, we will look at some of the key trends in laptop design in 2022 to help you choose the right laptop for you.


A key thing that many people want from a laptop in 2022 is that it is lightweight. This makes it ideal for students or business people alike, and, of course, it prevents muscle strains and pulls relating to carrying the device around.

However, if you are a gamer looking for a lightweight laptop, your options will be more limited or may drive the price up. A lot of research has gone into how to have Black Laptops for gaming that are sleek but also have the extra RAM that you need to play World of Warcraft! So, in this instance, you will likely need to pay more.

Portable Gaming

In recent years, there has been a call for more gaming laptops to be designed that are easier to carry around. But as mentioned in the previous paragraph, this can be tricky. 

Gaming laptops typically have very powerful processors and graphics cards, as well as a lot of RAM. This allows them to handle even the most demanding games without any problems. They also have a large number of ports, so you can easily connect all your gaming peripherals. And finally, they usually have a very sturdy build quality, so they can withstand even the most strenuous gaming sessions. 

Hybrid Laptops

What exactly are hybrid laptops? As the name suggests, they are a combination of two different types of laptops – traditional laptops and tablets. They feature a detachable keyboard that can be used as a standalone tablet or can be attached to the laptop for use in notebook mode.

You can now even get foldable laptops! This is an interesting trend that seems only likely to grow as 2023 comes around.

4K Display

4K laptop screens are the latest advancement in laptop technology. They offer stunning picture quality and provide a more immersive experience when watching movies or playing games. 4K laptop screens are also great for productivity purposes, as the high resolution allows you to view more information onscreen at once, making it easier to multitask. If you’re someone who likes to work on multiple documents or spreadsheets at the same time, a 4K laptop screen is a must-have.


Chromebooks have been around since 2011, and their popularity has been increasing in recent years and is showing no sign of slowing down. They are simple, lightweight laptops that are perfect for basic tasks like browsing the web and checking email. Chromebooks run on the Chrome OS operating system, which is based on the Chrome web browser, which makes them very fast and easy to use.

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