A Website’s Performance with Dedicated Server in South Korea

Preface Many big websites like Amazon have released a statement that in every 100-milliseconds growth in speed of the website includes profit in revenues by 1 percent. Therefore, we can say page load speed matters …

Dedicated Server in South Korea


Many big websites like Amazon have released a statement that in every 100-milliseconds growth in speed of the website includes profit in revenues by 1 percent. Therefore, we can say page load speed matters when it comes to having a good response from the clients. It is also a factor in increasing the site’s ranking on SERP. Hence, Serverwala brings its Dedicated Server In South Korea to provide you with the best hosting services with optimal site performance.

With a dedicated server, it will get easy for you to improve your site’s page load speed. As Google says, a website’s page should open in 3 seconds for a better user experience. Hence it will be a better option to opt for a Dedicated Server South Korea hosting to improve your site’s page optimization.

Steps to Increase Your Page Load Speed

Scripts For asynchronous Loading

JavaScript and CSS can load in two different ways- Synchronous and Asynchronous. In a synchronous way, loading the speed of snippets is one at a time but in an asynchronous manner, scripts are loaded simultaneously that increasing the server’s load speed. Users can also compute what they want to load first without interfering with external elements.

Reduce Server Response Time

The server’s response time also depends upon how quickly it can look up for the domains name system. A DNS lookup means searching a website’s name on record. It’s like searching for a contact number on your phone book. If it takes too much time to find your DNS then it’s time to change your DNS services provider. Therefore, You can get a Dedicated Server in South Korea that will help you to improve your server’s response time accordingly.

Image and Video Size Optimization

It is very important to have a specific size of images and videos that you are uploading on your server or it will reduce your loading speed. This is a huge drain on the site’s resources. You can compress the size of images and videos with HTML5 videos players.

Image size should be under 300Kb or best you can reduce it to 100Kb which can lower the page load speed time. Hence you can easily get this option in South Korea Dedicated Server Hosting that offers to have maximum bandwidth. It helps in transferring data between the internet and the website.

Compress Files Sizes of the Website

Minifying is a process that removes unnecessary data from the website which makes the site’s codes more efficient. This also decreases the RAM memory requirement and speeds up the site performance. The tools that you want to install on the server can reduce the file size. A Dedicated Server in South Korea allows you to install applications and software to customize a file’s size with tolls like Minify or CSS Compressor.

South Korea Dedicated Server Helps to Improve Site’s Performance

Here, we will discuss how South Korea Dedicated Hosting features help to improve a site’s performance without interfering with intruders.

A Dedicated Server Provides Maximum Bandwidth.

Shared hosting websites owner can easily understand the importance of maximum bandwidth. Because in a shared server you get a limited amount of bandwidth that causes trouble in transferring data at traffic spikes times. It implies having a lower page load speed.

However, having a Dedicated Server in South Korea means you get unlimited bandwidth to transfer your data between the server and the browser. A Dedicated Server South Korea provides 10K GB bandwidth in which you can smoothly transfer the data with a fast loading speed.

Increased SSD Storage.

With a Dedicated Server in South Korea, you get the opportunity to expand your site’s storage to store more data on the server. With expandable storage, you can easily store more products or content that you want to showcase to your customers. Generally, it is very important to have a South Korea Dedicated Server for eCommerce websites for storing more products with lowering page load speed.

Get a Unique IP Address of The Server.

It is vital to have a unique IP address of the server that is not provided in shared servers. A different IP address means your IP is not shared with other websites. Shared IP means another website can also affect your website’s image. If there is any website that is presenting bad content or adult content then it directly affects your site. Hence a Dedicated Server in South Korea offers two types of IPs, so you can buy anyone that you want.

Have an SSL Certificate.

A South Korea Dedicated Hosting offers you to have a private SSL certificate which means now you have secured socket layers that protect any site’s data with a security booster. Users trust those websites that offer great security to their transaction history data and secure their personal identification data too. Therefore, an SSL certificate that you get with a Dedicated Server in South Korea makes users trust your company.

Who Provides a Cheap Dedicated Hosting in South Korea?

There are many service providers that promise to provide the best services at reasonable prices. Therefore, a web hosting company that has served thousands of people with its hosting services offers the best Dedicated Servers. Serverwala offers their Best Dedicated Hosting South Korea services at cheap prices. In its one-month package, you get a CPU, 32GB RAM, 320GB storage, and many more. You can also expand your package at additional costs. Let’s have a quick look at Serverwala’s Cheap Dedicated Server in South Korea Plans.

Cheap Dedicated Server South Korea


It is a challenging task to increase a website’s page speed but it is all worth it when you get the required amount of traffic and revenue. The steps and processes that we talked about in the article help to improve a site’s performance. It also includes how web hosting is also important for having an overall impact on a webpage’s performance.

Therefore, This passage combines two factors to get desirable page load speed. Hence a Dedicated Server in South Korea with additional steps of improvement helps minimum page load speed time.

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