Easy ways of learning Quran for kids

The reading of the Quran in its original language (Arabic) is a great benefit and rewards as mentioned in the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad and his family. This is due to the fact that …

ways of learning Quran

The reading of the Quran in its original language (Arabic) is a great benefit and rewards as mentioned in the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad and his family. This is due to the fact that it’s the language it was first read in. It is also suggested to go through the Quran by studying the text. Another reason that it is essential to read the Quran is that each Muslim is required to read a certain number of surahs in the Quran in the daily prayer.

The process of learning Quran

The process of learning to read the Quran is extremely difficult today in the absence of an experienced and knowledgeable instructor. Therefore, an efficient and effective method to learn Quran online UK is the art of reading the Quran is to use online videos. The first step an individual who is learning about the Quran should do is learning what is known as the Arabic alphabet.

Taking online classes

Our online classes on studying the Quran on Online Quran Live Academy provide one video lesson in learning the Arabic alphabet at no cost. After watching these videos you’ll become acquainted with the primary component of studying the Quran which is that of the Arabic alphabet. You can watch them at the Quran course page. Quran for kids beginners lessons you can avail from Online Quran Live Academy.

Lessons about how to Read Quran

If you are interested in learning the other rules for reading the Quran to master the art of reading the Quran You can sign up to all of our classes through the Online Quran Academy “How to Read the Quran” course. The rules that are not part of the alphabet you’ll learn are:

The short vowels, also known as Harakht (Harakht) aui

Long vowels are: w(Hurwf LmadW)

Shaddah (shadw), intensification

Madd (madw) (madw), protracted

Sukun (sukhwn), unvowelled [sakin skhin] consonant

Tanwin (tanwyn) Short vowel and Nun (n) with the sukun ()

Silent letters (wly)

Ishba’ (ishb`), short vowel turning into long vowel

Iltiqa”al-sakinayn (ltiqu lskhinyn)  a rule governing the arrangement of two letters that are not vowelled.

The rules of waqf (waqf) How and where to stop an expression

Read Quran fast and fluently

Our online courses provide the most recent and practical ways to learn how to learn to read the Quran quickly, easily and with ease.

Skilled and knowledgeable teacher

These lessons in video are delivered by a skilled and knowledgeable teacher who is qualified and competent. Reading the Quran requires that you listen to the reading of the Quran by a knowledgeable teacher and to recite it word for word, the verses verse-by verse. 

It is recommended to try repeating following him and repeat the Quran with the teacher. This is why we offer additional lessons for this purpose. So, you can follow the principles of study from the Quran and eventually be able to read the Quran.

Fundamental rules for reading the Quran

When the fundamental rules for reading the Quran have been learned it is now time to apply the rules in a more fluid way. This means that you can comprehend the Quran without having to make too many mistakes, pauses, or repetitions errors. This is achieved by adhering to the rules of the tajweed (tajwyd).


Tajweed in the Quran is basically an advanced system of rules for phonetics, and one of the steps to be completed to be able to read the Quran easily. Repeating and listening to authentic and competent reciters is the best method for learning tajweed, and attaining greater proficiency in studying the Quran. But, being aware of the guidelines of tajweed is vital.

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