Apology has got the Powers if Accompanied with the Flowers

Great are the ones who forgive, and greater are those who realise their mistake and apologise for it. These people who understand that they’ve committed a mistake and should apologise to the other person are …


Great are the ones who forgive, and greater are those who realise their mistake and apologise for it. These people who understand that they’ve committed a mistake and should apologise to the other person are true. In a world today, where people are mostly selfish and have a hard time accepting that they can be wrong at certain places, too, the people who understand the value of an apology are rare and so special. It’s true. No matter what we do, someday or the other, we somehow hurt the people we love or close to us. The bracket of getting hurt by someone’s mistake is limited to the proportion of attachment we have with the other person. Emotions work on very simple mathematics, where the hurt is directly proportional to the intensity of feelings we have for someone. 

People know when they mess up. They are very well aware of the times they’ve hurt someone, know what all will hurt someone, what will sadden somebody, and what will make somebody happy. Everyone is very much aware of that. People these days do different sorts of things to make up for the mud they’ve spilt for someone. Most apologies involve sending flowers to the one they’ve intentionally or unintentionally hurt, be it getting online flower delivery in Pune or Prague. People also send many different gifts to apologise for their mistakes besides flowers. Everyone knows that no heart would stop smiling if they received a beautiful bouquet as an apology. 

Though there are many options for online flower delivery in Delhi, or in any other part of India or abroad, people need to be made aware of which all flowers they should choose if they want to send it as an ‘apology bouquet’ to someone special to them. Flowers make anyone happy, but the correct ones leave an imprint on their hearts for life and show that you mean the apology you’ve made.    

Either order flowers online or pick them up personally. Just make sure that you select the perfect ones. Here are the flowers that you should technically choose for an apology bouquet: 

Get the White Lily, Silly

: White lilies are pure-looking, sensitive, and graceful flowers. An apology with a bouquet of white lilies would mean that you’re genuinely sorry, and your apology is as pure as the beautiful white petals of the flowers. Giving a bouquet of white lilies is not an apology. It’s a promise that you’ll never repeat your mistake whatsoever. 

Say it Right with the Tulips White

: White tulips are one of the most positive flowers in the flower kingdom. Their bulb-shaped bodies give a hint of newness, a newness for the betterment, a newness that’s all set to bloom beautifully. Apologising with a bouquet of white tulips is another name of sincerity, and an apology with all sincerity is everything, period. 

The Gods Chose the Rose:

An epitome of love, romance, affection, and care, what’s better than a bouquet of roses for an apology that you mean? Nothing. As we all know, roses come in different colours, from pink to red, from yellow to orange, from white to lilac, and all of these mean just one thing, and that is, the person means a lot to you more than you can ever express.  An apology with a bouquet of roses is full of love, and it’s an appeal to the other person to give you one last chance to set things right because the last thing you’d want to do is, upset you. 

The White Orchid Oracle:

White orchids are delicate and pure looking flowers. Their fragrance reaches the heart, and so will your apology if you say sorry with a bouquet of white orchids. 

Flowers have a short life. That’s because the impression they make lasts for a lifetime. An apology with a bouquet speaks volumes about what you feel for the other person and how genuinely sorry you are for whatever you did that got them so upset. 

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