5 Signs To Consult A Neurologist

Billions of nerve cells, which work either voluntary or involuntary, help us execute our everyday work. Based on recent studies, more than 600 neurological diseases are there, which can affect this system.  Degenerative disease, migraine, …


Billions of nerve cells, which work either voluntary or involuntary, help us execute our everyday work. Based on recent studies, more than 600 neurological diseases are there, which can affect this system. 

Degenerative disease, migraine, and brain tumor are a few common neurological diseases that severely affect a patient’s life. It is important to consult the best neurologist in Kolkata at the earliest. Because neurological disorders affect the patient and the lives of other related people.

Often people fail to discuss neurological disorders thinking them to be mental problems. But, these are distinctly separate and have no connection in between. 

It is always advised to go for early detection of a neurological disorder to prevent and cope with the feeling of helplessness.

Recurring Headache

If you experience severe headaches without any reason or sudden onset that lasts for more than an hour, consult a neurologist. Headache can disrupt your normal daily activities. Treatment will be suggested based on the type, such as migraine or sinus. And, usually, it takes 5 to 6 months to get cured, provided you change your lifestyle and incorporate healthy habits. 

Sleep Disturbance

For a healthy life, it is said that you need at least 7 hours of sound sleep. Lack of proper sleep can make you upset, irritated, and unable to tolerate the people around you. You won’t be able to concentrate on your work which eventually affects your confidence. Sleep disturbance can occur due to stress, snoring, etc. So, you must consult with the doctors at ILS Hospitals.

Tips: Avoid noise, even if you don’t think it bothers you. Turn off all sources of light. Set up a healthy bedtime routine. Sleep in well-ventilated rooms and air out your home frequently. Exercise regularly. Do not eat or drink right before going to bed

Forgetting Past Events

It is quite normal for aged people to forget the events that took place a long time ago due to memory weakness. But, if it occurs at a younger age, it is a neurological problem. If you have difficulty remembering people’s names, doing basic calculations, and unable to recognize your address or any behavior change, it’s time to consult a neurologist.

Weakness in Limbs

Often you may experience asymmetric body or facial expressions, such as being unable to lift your arm or leg. And, this generally happens on only one side. Weakness in the legs often occurs as a result of overactivity. However, it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying medical condition. This can be a possible sign of a brain stroke or brain attack. If you experience weakness in both legs and it spreads to the rest of the body, you need to consult with a neurologist.

Visual Problems

If you have a problem viewing any object at a closer or a distance, it is usually thought to be a retinal problem. However, several brain diseases can damage eye nerves and lead to neurological disorders. Thus, it is necessary to investigate and get a proper brain image test and eye test to maintain your vision.

Tip for prevention: Work with your eye doctor to keep your eye pressure well-controlled to avoid losing your vision.


The human brain coordinates all the different parts of the body and maintains an upright poster. Any damage to the brain cells can lead to losing balance or feeling weak while walking. This usually starts without a prior warning. 

Proper treatment at the right time can also rule out the chances of stroke or other critical problems. Be it the best urologist or neurologists, at ILS Hospitals – you can consult with experienced medical faculties and get proper treatment facilities.

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