6 Effective Remedies to Fix Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a common foot problem. They are also known as heel fissures. They cause discomfort and even pain. The major cause of heel fissures is dry skin. It is often associated with thicker …

Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a common foot problem. They are also known as heel fissures. They cause discomfort and even pain. The major cause of heel fissures is dry skin. It is often associated with thicker skin along with the formation of brown or yellow calluses around the heel’s edge.

Cracked heels are usually a mild condition but it may lead to itching, pain, and even bleeding. Furthermore, it becomes more severe during the winter season, resulting in damaged heels.

There are several effective remedies to fix cracked heels quickly and don’t have to be expensive. Before going through these remedies, let’s see what causes cracked heels.

What Causes Fix Cracked Heels?

 According to a podiatrist in Rawalpindi, excessive drying of the skin above the heels causes cracked heels. As a result of increased strain on the padded feet beneath the skin, the skin splits and cracks.

There are a variety of reasons that may cause cracked heels. Some of these are medical in nature. On the other hand, others include some lifestyle and environmental factors.

Lifestyle and Environmental Factors

The lifestyle and environmental factors that enhance the risk of fix cracked heels are:

  • Standing for long periods of time
  • Taking long and hot showers
  • Wearing sandals with open back
  • Walking barefoot
  • Use of harsh soaps that may deplete natural oils from your skin
  • Low humidity or cold weather that makes your skin dry 

 Medical Causes

 Some of the medical causes that may lead to cracked heels are as follows: 

  • High blood pressure and poor circulation
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Fungal infections
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, atopic dermatitis
  • Pregnancy
  • Ageing
  • Psoriasis (autoimmune disorder of skin)

 Remedies to Fix Cracked Heels

 Home cures for cracked heels are really effective. Because dry skin is the primary cause of heel fissures, methods that focus on hydration are most suitable.

Now, let’s see the simple ways by which you may treat your cracked heels.

Use of Heel Balms

 A heel balm is the first line of defence against cracked heels. Ingredients in these balms soften, hydrate, and exfoliate dead skin. They come in the form of emollients, humectants, and occlusives.

Emollients help to reduce water loss by penetrating the skin. They fill the gaps between skin flakes. As a result, the skin feels soft, smooth, and flexible.

On the other hand, humectants have the ability to penetrate the outer layer of skin. They attract and retain moisture from the air. They also aid in increasing the skin’s water capacity.

The tips to treat cracked heels with heel balms is to apply it twice or thrice a day, usually after showers as this is the best time to lock in moisturisers. Also, you should wear socks and shoes to protect your heels and to not transfer moisturiser to the floor.

Soak and Exfoliate Your Foot

Cracked skin on the feet is thicker and drier than skin on other parts of the body. Soaking your feet and exfoliating them is a great help. It will assist to remove the hard, thick skin that causes the cracks to form.

How to exfoliate your cracked heels? Simply soak your feet in lukewarm water for around 20 minutes. Use a foot file or pumice stone to remove any hard skin. Then hydrate the affected area with a moisturiser. Put on socks to avoid moisture loss.

Wear Cotton Socks

 To heal your cracked heels, wearing cotton socks to bed is recommended. Cotton socks trap moisture. Also, it prevents moisture from rubbing off. In this way, your feet don’t dry out throughout the night.

Use a Liquid Bandage

 Cover the cracked skin with liquid bandages. These may act as a barrier over the fractures. They may help in reducing discomfort, preventing dirt and bacteria from entering the wounds. Also, they speed up the healing process.

Because this product is a spray, you won’t have to worry about the bandage slipping off during the day. For deep, bleeding heel fissures, a liquid bandage is a suitable option.

Use of Honey

 Another natural treatment for damaged heels is the use of honey. According to a study, honey contains antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. It helps to heal and cleanse wounds, as well as moisturise the skin. You can use honey as a foot scrub after soaking your feet or as an overnight foot mask.

Use of Coconut Oil

 For eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin, coconut oil is frequently prescribed. It can aid in the retention of moisture in your skin. If your cracked heels are prone to bleeding or infections, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of coconut oil is a great help. You can apply it to your damaged heels after foot scrub.


 Although cracked heels are usually not serious, they can lead to major problems such as infection if left untreated. Preventative measures, such as keeping the feet moisturised and hydrated, are the best approaches to avoid cracked heels. In case you have severely cracked heels, you should see a doctor.

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