8 Things to Know Before You Use Emojis in Your Facebook Ads

8 Things to Know Before You Use Emojis in Your Facebook Ads Do you want to increase your ad reach? You should test instagram emojis for Facebook ads. This is something that our PPC managers …

8 Things to Know Before You Use Emojis in Your Facebook Ads

Do you want to increase your ad reach? You should test instagram emojis for Facebook ads. This is something that our PPC managers have been trying for a while. We have found that ads convert 50% more when used with the right emojis

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emoji gif eCommerce

Emojis are a non-verbal method of communicating messages to potential buyers. Emojis are fun and can be used to save space on your headline characters. They also add emotion to your posts and provide a universal language that everyone understands.

Facebook ad

Here’s the catch: emojis can drive CTRs with Facebook ads. But they must be used strategically and in line with your brand and target audience.

This post will cover the eight most important things to remember when using emojis on Facebook.

  1. If they don’t make sense for your brand, you shouldn’t use Facebook Ad Emojis

While emojis work well for many eCommerce brands, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will work for you. You run the risk of your ads offending your target audience and creating conflicting brand messaging if emojis aren’t appropriate for your brand voice or tone. Imagine that you are a B2B eCommerce company selling products to law firms. Adding a shock or wink emoji in your headline copy would look unprofessional and be inconsistent with the tone and text.

Facebook ad example

Before you use emojis on Facebook ads, consider your brand voice, target audience, and the niche you are selling. You should go ahead if your brand appeals to a younger audience, is quirky and appealing to a more casual niche, or is funny and quirky. If your brand is not in this category, you should hold off.

  1. If they make sense for your product, do use Facebook Ad Emojis

Your brand voice and market are open to some emoji Facebook ads. But what about your products? Your brand may use emojis occasionally, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they need to be used. They should also make sense for your product. Scalp MEd’s below ads are a good example.

Facebook ad example Scalp Med

You can see in their latest ads that they don’t use any emojis (they match the headline post and the messaging but more later); however, it makes sense for the product when they do it. Simple ticks are a great way to list the product’s benefits as engaging and user-friendly.

  1. If they don’t make sense to your message, you shouldn’t use Facebook Ad Emojis

We briefly mentioned that you should only use emojis when it is appropriate for your ad messaging. The below example is from No Shave Life Beard Co. It’s a simple beer emoji strategically placed to give the merchant a sense of celebration when they announce back-in-stock items.


  1. Before you commit to your total budget, do a split test using Emojis in Ads

Although emojis may make sense in theory for your brand, messaging, and product, it doesn’t mean that you should be emoji-mad. It would help if you did the testing first. Before spending your entire ad budget, it is vital to A/B-test your Facebook ads – both with and without an Emoji. To test the performance of one target audience, you can use Facebook’s split testing to compare the two versions. Remember that you need to test different segments of emojis – what works in one age group may not work in another.

  1. Emojis can be used to enhance the right emotion

Emojis, which are visual communication tools that elicit emotion, can be used to communicate with people. They may seem small, but they convey a lot. You will most likely ruin your message by using the wrong emoticon in your Facebook ads.


Facebook ad example Envy Style

Let’s look at some examples of eCommerce Facebook ads from Envy Style. You can see that they used different headline messaging and different emojis to elicit different emotions. Notice also that they didn’t emoji-stuffed the ad text. This brings us to our next point in our must-haves and not-haves for using emojis on Facebook ads.

  1. Don’t Go Emoji Crazy

Hand in Pocket is another brand that proves less is more when referring to emojis.

Facebook Ad Example: Hand in Pocket

Facebook Ads: Do not overuse emojis. Why? It will confuse the messaging and make your brand look stale and Sammy.

  1. Emojis can be used to show off your human side

Strategically including emojis in your Facebook ads can make your eCommerce brand seem more human. These emojis are relatable, fun, and friendly. They can also be used authentically by your audience on social media. You can use this to ‘camouflage” your ad in the newsfeeds of potential shoppers by making it appear more friendly than a sponsored post. Conscious Step is a brand that knows how simple emojis can improve its message and make it more relatable.

  1. Avoid using the wrong Emojis

It is essential to consider which emojis you should use when deciding on whether or not to use emojis. A wrong tone or connotation in an emoji can cause severe damage. It doesn’t have to be used in your specific situation. Before you choose emojis to be used in your ads, you must test them against your market, niche, and branding. According to our data, the best emojis can boost your Facebook ad conversions by 50%.


Converting emojis to Facebook ads

Emojipedia can help you jumpstart your journey to using the correct emojis. Here are the top three Emojis we found to increase conversions (not engagement, but conversions). of Facebook Ads.


The bottom line

Facebook ads should use emojis. They must adhere to the golden rules of marketing. Be relevant, clear, creative, and consistent. It is essential to be strategic with your emojis and test them for your brand, niche, and audience before you go wild.


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