Why You Should Hire a Radon Testing Service

If you are interested in ensuring your home is safe from radon gas, you should consider hiring a radon testing service. Home testing kits bought from your local hardware store are not very accurate and …

Radon Testing

If you are interested in ensuring your home is safe from radon gas, you should consider hiring a radon testing service. Home testing kits bought from your local hardware store are not very accurate and the size of the detector can affect the reading. In order to obtain accurate results, you should hire a professional radon testing service. These companies use sophisticated active equipment for radon detection. Their technicians can perform a test in your home without affecting the structure or the contents of your home.

EPA recommends every home be tested for radon

The EPA recommends that every home be tested for radon, including basements. Whether you’re buying a home or renovating one, the EPA recommends that you test every home below the third floor. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that has no odor, taste, or smell. The EPA recommends testing every home below the third floor, but you can also test your home in higher-use areas.

Active equipment provides more sophisticated radon testing

Active radon-testing services can be done with the help of advanced radon detectors. The most advanced active equipment requires electricity and uses continuous monitoring to determine radon levels in the air. The tests done by active equipment are more expensive and require trained testers. Passive testing is the least expensive method and can be performed at home by using charcoal canisters. However, passive methods are acceptable for some situations.

Cost of radon testing

While you can purchase a DIY radon test kit for less than $20, the cost of radon testing services varies widely. Depending on the size of your home, multiple kits may be necessary. Also, factors like the materials used to build your home can affect the cost of the test. Larger homes have sprawling layouts and more complex tests, which may mean additional expenses. The price of radon testing services per square foot can range from $.01 to $.06 per square foot.

Getting a radon test

Radon levels can be detected through a simple radon test, which is usually done by placing a testing device on the lowest level of a home. If the results are low, a repeat test is required in two to five years, and you should save the results of each test for future reference. However, if the results are high, a longer test should be done, to gauge the average radon level throughout your home over a period of time.

Finding out if you have a problem

One of the best ways to determine if you have a radon issue is to test your water. Your public water system may come from a surface source or a ground source. Surface sources will release most of the radon into the air. While ground-based systems may have been tested for radon, it’s still worth checking. If you suspect that your home has high radon levels, you can make sure by requesting a test.

If you live in an area where radon levels are high, you are at a higher risk of developing lung cancer. It is a fact that smoking and radon work in synergy to increase your risk. While smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, radon exposure is a much greater risk. Secondhand smoke is a common cause of respiratory illness and can cause ear infections and asthma attacks in nonsmokers.

Although there has been some evidence that radon causes lung cancer, no tests have shown a definitive link. However, several national and international agencies study substances found in the environment, including radon. These substances are referred to as carcinogens, and the American Cancer Society evaluates them for their cancer-causing potential. The risk of lung cancer from radon exposure is still very high, so it is important to have your home tested.

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